How Important Is Children's Ministry - According to The Bible

Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3.

We get to see how much of a blessing they are every day and we see their pure hearts, dancing & singing songs to Jesus, and by raising their little hands high, by which Jesus loves the way that shines through them. Eventually, It’s important to remember that children are not only a treasure, but they have also been fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalms-139:14).

Several years ago, George Barna (Professor & Leads the Cultural Research Center based at University in US) coined a phrase, the “4-14 window.” Which means the majority of Christians come to know Christ between the ages 4-14, which is possible only through Children’s Ministry.  As we all know the church is made up of many different ministries which are important, there are few reasons why Children’s Ministry is one of the most vital.

  1. Children’s Ministry was a priority for Jesus: "Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.'" (Matthew 19:14). It was made so evident throughout the whole bible that children are so important to Jesus which means they should be important to us, too!  As Christians, we know to share the love of Jesus with people, ultimately, it is so important to also share that unconditional love with children. 

  2. Children need a firm foundation: "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it." (Proverbs 22:6). The time we spend with children at a young age impacts the rest of their lives because the things that are instilled as a child won't be forgotten when they are older. Kid’s ministry allows us to pour these core values into children while they are still growing so that when they grow older they will know these values. As we teach them bible verses to remember, they are able to recall those later in life in times of trouble.

  • It supports godly parenting:  The church was never meant to be the exclusive faith teacher of children. Instead, God’s plan was for the two institutions (church and family) to form a partnership. Usually, parents become more involved in the church when their kids become more involved in the children’s ministry.

  1. Children are the future leaders of your church.In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish” (Matthew 18:14).  As we read these verses, we understand that Children are one of God’s greatest gift from God and there was lot of hope on them.  As much as the ministry impacts the world now through children, these kids will be the future leaders of the church. The values we instil in them now will spread on for a lifetime and allows them to raise up the generation after them as they grow older and these kids could be the next children's ministry leaders so it's important to give them a good base. 

  2. Children need to feel God's love. “And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me” (Matthew 18:5). As said, Jesus had unconditional love towards children. Hence, it is very important for children to understand and Children's Ministry may be the only time a kid truly gets to experience God's Precious love. It's so important to raise up a generation of children that know their worth in Christ and know that they are loved. We may not know the background of each child we meet, but we get to make an impact on them just by loving them. 

There are so many reasons to say why children's ministry is important? but even more we need to remember how much blessing and Valuable the children are. It is an incredible blessing to see the children growing and Sharing the love of God to their friends and many, which is possible only through Children’s Ministry. So, Let’s be a part of the Children ministry and see how much of an impact we can make on the Children, Ministry, and Ourselves. 

Stay Blessed!! 


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